how to make money with adsterra

how to make money with adsterra

Unlock Your Earning Potential with Adsterra


Adsterra is a global advertising network that connects advertisers with publishers. It offers a variety of ad formats, including display, video, and mobile ads. Publishers can earn money by displaying Adsterra ads on their websites, blogs, or social media pages.

Affiliate Marketing with Adsterra

**How to Make Money with Adsterra**

Adsterra is a leading affiliate marketing platform that connects advertisers with publishers. It offers a wide range of advertising formats, including display ads, video ads, and native ads. Publishers can earn money by promoting these ads on their websites, blogs, or social media channels.

To get started with Adsterra, you need to create an account and get approved. Once your account is approved, you can start promoting ads. Adsterra provides a variety of tools and resources to help you get started, including a campaign builder, a tracking system, and a support team.

One of the best things about Adsterra is that it offers a variety of payment options. You can choose to be paid via PayPal, wire transfer, or Bitcoin. Adsterra also has a low minimum payout threshold, so you can start earning money quickly.

Here are some tips for making money with Adsterra:

* **Choose the right ads to promote.** Not all ads are created equal. Some ads will convert better than others. It’s important to choose ads that are relevant to your audience and that you think they will be interested in.
* **Place your ads in the right places.** The placement of your ads can have a big impact on their performance. Place your ads in high-traffic areas where they will be seen by as many people as possible.
* **Track your results.** It’s important to track your results so that you can see what’s working and what’s not. Adsterra provides a variety of tracking tools to help you track your progress.
* **Be patient.** It takes time to build a successful affiliate marketing business. Don’t expect to make a lot of money overnight. Just keep working hard and promoting ads, and you will eventually start to see results.

Adsterra is a great way to make money online. It’s easy to get started, and there are a variety of ways to promote ads. With a little effort, you can start earning a significant income from Adsterra.

Display Advertising with Adsterra

**How to Make Money with Adsterra**

Adsterra is a leading advertising network that offers a wide range of monetization solutions for publishers. With its vast reach and advanced targeting capabilities, Adsterra enables publishers to maximize their revenue potential.

**Getting Started**

To begin earning with Adsterra, you must first create an account. The registration process is straightforward and requires basic information such as your website URL and payment details. Once your account is approved, you can access the Adsterra dashboard, where you can manage your campaigns and track your earnings.

**Ad Formats**

Adsterra offers a variety of ad formats to suit different publisher needs. These include:

* **Display Ads:** Banner ads, pop-ups, and interstitials that are displayed on your website.
* **Native Ads:** Ads that blend seamlessly with your website’s content, providing a non-intrusive user experience.
* **Video Ads:** Pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll video ads that can be integrated into your video content.

**Targeting Options**

Adsterra’s advanced targeting options allow you to reach your desired audience with precision. You can target users based on:

* **Demographics:** Age, gender, location, and language.
* **Interests:** Topics, hobbies, and online behavior.
* **Device:** Desktop, mobile, or tablet.
* **Geolocation:** Specific countries, regions, or cities.

**Payment Options**

Adsterra offers flexible payment options to ensure that publishers receive their earnings promptly. You can choose from:

* **PayPal:** A widely accepted online payment platform.
* **Wire Transfer:** Direct bank transfers for larger payments.
* **Bitcoin:** A cryptocurrency option for secure and anonymous transactions.

**Support and Resources**

Adsterra provides comprehensive support to its publishers. You can access a dedicated account manager, a knowledge base, and a support forum. The team is available 24/7 to assist you with any queries or technical issues.


Adsterra is a reliable and profitable advertising network that empowers publishers to monetize their websites effectively. With its diverse ad formats, advanced targeting options, and flexible payment methods, Adsterra offers a comprehensive solution for publishers looking to maximize their revenue potential. By leveraging Adsterra’s platform, you can unlock new revenue streams and grow your online business.

Pop-Under Advertising with Adsterra

**How to Make Money with Adsterra: Pop-Under Advertising**

Adsterra is a leading advertising network that offers a wide range of monetization solutions for publishers. Among its offerings, pop-under advertising stands out as a highly effective way to generate revenue.

Pop-under ads are displayed in a new browser window that opens behind the user’s current window. They are typically triggered by a user’s click or mouse movement. Adsterra’s pop-under ads are known for their high conversion rates and low bounce rates.

To start making money with Adsterra’s pop-under advertising, you will need to create an account and integrate the Adsterra code into your website or blog. Adsterra provides detailed instructions and support to ensure a seamless integration process.

Once integrated, you can choose from a variety of pop-under ad formats, including images, videos, and interactive elements. Adsterra’s advanced targeting options allow you to tailor your ads to specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and browsing behavior.

Adsterra offers a competitive revenue share model, ensuring that publishers receive a fair share of the advertising revenue generated. The platform also provides real-time reporting and analytics, enabling you to track your performance and optimize your campaigns.

In addition to pop-under ads, Adsterra offers a range of other advertising formats, including display ads, native ads, and video ads. This allows publishers to diversify their revenue streams and maximize their earnings.

To maximize your earnings with Adsterra’s pop-under advertising, it is important to follow best practices. These include using high-quality content, targeting relevant audiences, and optimizing your ad placements. Adsterra’s dedicated support team is available to assist you with any questions or challenges you may encounter.

By leveraging Adsterra’s pop-under advertising solution, publishers can effectively monetize their websites and blogs while providing a valuable service to advertisers. With its high conversion rates, low bounce rates, and competitive revenue share model, Adsterra is an ideal partner for publishers seeking to generate additional income.

Native Advertising with Adsterra

**How to Make Money with Adsterra: A Comprehensive Guide to Native Advertising**

Adsterra is a leading native advertising platform that empowers publishers to monetize their websites and apps effectively. Native advertising seamlessly integrates ads into the content, providing a non-intrusive and engaging experience for users. This article will guide you through the steps involved in making money with Adsterra, from account creation to campaign optimization.

**1. Create an Adsterra Account**

Begin by creating an account on the Adsterra website. Provide accurate information and ensure your website or app meets the platform’s quality standards. Once your account is approved, you can access the Adsterra dashboard.

**2. Choose Ad Formats**

Adsterra offers a variety of native ad formats, including in-feed, in-article, and push notifications. Select the formats that best align with your content and audience. Consider the placement and size of the ads to maximize visibility and engagement.

**3. Set Up Ad Campaigns**

Create ad campaigns within the Adsterra dashboard. Define your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behavior. Set your budget and bid strategy to optimize your ad spend.

**4. Integrate Ad Codes**

Once your campaign is set up, generate the ad codes and integrate them into your website or app. Follow the instructions provided by Adsterra to ensure proper implementation.

**5. Monitor and Optimize**

Regularly monitor your ad campaigns to track performance metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions. Use the data to identify areas for improvement. Adjust your targeting, ad creatives, or bidding strategy as needed to enhance results.

**6. Payment and Withdrawal**

Adsterra offers flexible payment options, including PayPal, wire transfer, and cryptocurrency. Once you reach the minimum payout threshold, you can withdraw your earnings through the dashboard.

**7. Additional Tips**

* Create high-quality content that resonates with your audience.
* Use eye-catching ad creatives that blend seamlessly with your content.
* Experiment with different ad formats and placements to find the most effective combinations.
* Leverage Adsterra’s advanced targeting options to reach your desired audience.
* Optimize your website or app for mobile devices, as a significant portion of traffic comes from smartphones.

By following these steps and leveraging the features of Adsterra, you can effectively monetize your website or app through native advertising. Remember to continuously monitor and optimize your campaigns to maximize revenue and provide a positive user experience.

Push Notifications with Adsterra

**How to Make Money with Adsterra: Push Notifications**

Adsterra is a leading advertising network that offers a variety of monetization options for publishers. One of the most popular options is push notifications, which are short messages that are delivered to users’ devices even when they are not actively using the app.

Push notifications can be a very effective way to generate revenue, as they have a high click-through rate and can be targeted to specific audiences. To get started with push notifications, you will need to create an account with Adsterra and then integrate their SDK into your app.

Once you have integrated the SDK, you can start creating push notification campaigns. Adsterra provides a variety of tools to help you create effective campaigns, including a drag-and-drop editor and a library of pre-made templates.

When creating a push notification campaign, you will need to choose a target audience, set a budget, and create a creative. The target audience can be based on a variety of factors, such as demographics, interests, and location. The budget will determine how much you are willing to spend on the campaign. The creative is the message that will be displayed in the push notification.

Once you have created a campaign, you can submit it for approval. Adsterra will review the campaign and approve it if it meets their guidelines. Once the campaign is approved, it will start running and you will start earning revenue.

The amount of revenue you earn from push notifications will depend on a variety of factors, such as the size of your audience, the click-through rate, and the payout rate. Adsterra offers a competitive payout rate, so you can be sure that you will earn a fair share of the revenue generated by your campaigns.

In addition to push notifications, Adsterra also offers a variety of other monetization options, such as display ads, video ads, and native ads. By using a combination of monetization options, you can maximize your revenue and grow your business.

If you are looking for a way to make money with your app, Adsterra is a great option. With its variety of monetization options and competitive payout rates, Adsterra can help you achieve your financial goals.

In-App Advertising with Adsterra

**How to Make Money with Adsterra: A Comprehensive Guide to In-App Advertising**

Adsterra is a leading in-app advertising platform that empowers app developers and publishers to monetize their mobile applications. With its vast network of advertisers and advanced targeting capabilities, Adsterra offers a lucrative opportunity for businesses to generate revenue from their in-app inventory.

**Getting Started with Adsterra**

To begin monetizing your app with Adsterra, you must first create an account on their website. Once your account is approved, you can integrate the Adsterra SDK into your app. The SDK provides the necessary infrastructure for displaying ads and tracking user interactions.

**Choosing the Right Ad Formats**

Adsterra offers a variety of ad formats to suit different app types and user preferences. These include:

* **Banner Ads:** Rectangular ads that appear at the top or bottom of the screen.
* **Interstitial Ads:** Full-screen ads that interrupt the user experience.
* **Native Ads:** Ads that blend seamlessly with the app’s content.
* **Video Ads:** Short video ads that can be played within the app.

**Targeting Your Audience**

Adsterra’s advanced targeting capabilities allow you to reach specific user segments based on demographics, interests, and device type. By tailoring your ads to the right audience, you can increase their effectiveness and maximize your revenue.

**Tracking and Optimization**

Adsterra provides robust tracking tools that enable you to monitor the performance of your ad campaigns. You can track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions to identify areas for improvement. By optimizing your campaigns based on data, you can increase your earnings.

**Payment and Support**

Adsterra offers flexible payment options, including PayPal, wire transfer, and cryptocurrency. You can choose the payment method that best suits your needs. The platform also provides dedicated support to assist you with any technical or account-related issues.

**Benefits of Using Adsterra**

* **High CPMs:** Adsterra offers competitive CPMs (cost per mille) for in-app advertising.
* **Vast Advertiser Network:** The platform has a large network of advertisers, ensuring a steady stream of ad campaigns.
* **Advanced Targeting:** Adsterra’s targeting capabilities allow you to reach your desired audience effectively.
* **Robust Tracking:** The platform provides comprehensive tracking tools to help you optimize your campaigns.
* **Dedicated Support:** Adsterra offers excellent support to assist you with any issues you may encounter.


Adsterra is a powerful in-app advertising platform that provides app developers and publishers with a lucrative opportunity to monetize their mobile applications. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively integrate Adsterra into your app, choose the right ad formats, target your audience, track your performance, and maximize your revenue.

Video Advertising with Adsterra

**How to Make Money with Adsterra: A Comprehensive Guide to Video Advertising**

Adsterra is a leading advertising network that offers a wide range of monetization solutions for publishers and advertisers. Among its offerings, video advertising stands out as a highly effective way to generate revenue from your website or app.

**Getting Started with Adsterra**

To begin monetizing your content with Adsterra, you’ll need to create an account and integrate their ad code into your website or app. The process is straightforward and can be completed in a matter of minutes. Once your account is set up, you can choose from a variety of ad formats, including in-stream video, out-stream video, and mobile video.

**Choosing the Right Ad Format**

The choice of ad format depends on the nature of your content and the user experience you want to provide. In-stream video ads are played before, during, or after video content, while out-stream video ads are displayed as standalone units on your website or app. Mobile video ads are specifically designed for mobile devices and can be displayed in various formats, such as interstitial ads and rewarded video ads.

**Optimizing Your Ad Placements**

To maximize your earnings, it’s crucial to optimize the placement of your video ads. Consider the following factors:

* **Ad size:** Choose an ad size that is appropriate for your content and website layout.
* **Ad frequency:** Determine the optimal frequency at which ads are displayed to avoid overwhelming users.
* **Ad targeting:** Use Adsterra’s targeting options to deliver ads to specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behavior.

**Tracking Your Performance**

Adsterra provides robust reporting tools that allow you to track the performance of your video ads. Monitor key metrics such as impressions, clicks, and revenue to identify areas for improvement. Use this data to adjust your ad placements, targeting, and content strategy to increase your earnings.

**Additional Tips for Success**

* **Create high-quality content:** Users are more likely to engage with ads that are relevant to their interests and provide value.
* **Use engaging ad creatives:** Design eye-catching ad creatives that capture attention and encourage clicks.
* **Promote your content:** Share your content on social media and other platforms to increase its reach and attract more viewers.
* **Partner with Adsterra’s support team:** Adsterra offers dedicated support to help you optimize your campaigns and troubleshoot any issues.

By following these steps and leveraging Adsterra’s powerful platform, you can effectively monetize your video content and generate a substantial income stream.


**Conclusion: How to Make Money with Adsterra**

Adsterra offers a comprehensive platform for publishers to monetize their traffic through various ad formats. By leveraging its advanced targeting capabilities, publishers can maximize their earnings by delivering relevant ads to their audience.

To succeed with Adsterra, publishers should focus on building high-quality websites or apps with engaging content that attracts a targeted audience. By optimizing their ad placements and experimenting with different ad formats, they can increase their click-through rates and overall revenue.

Additionally, publishers should take advantage of Adsterra’s referral program to earn additional income by referring new publishers to the platform. By following these strategies, publishers can establish a sustainable and profitable partnership with Adsterra and generate significant revenue from their online properties.